
Thank you for visiting LynneLombard.com.

As a health and human service consultant and professional with a career rooted in public policy, I understand how to utilize my skills and experience to deliver high quality outcomes towards improving the health care industry. From an early age, the aspiration to serve and improve the quality of life of others has remained a constant motivation for me. I am equipped with leadership abilities relevant today and sustainable into the future.

In addition to my service in the health care industry, I author a regular column for The Colorado Statesman called The State of Style, a “fashion for the work place” guide with a focus on political & professional wear. I hope that my column helps people achieve their professional goals by assisting them towards earning the respect and esteem needed to bring excellence in the workplace.

I hope you both find my column archives and extras helpful. As well, please take this opportunity to learn more about me, my educational achievements, professional experience, and personal accomplishments. Lastly, be sure to check in often for regular updates and stay in touch!